6 weeks to 18 Months
(Immediate openings available)
Sign Language
Sign Language is introduced to children while in the infant program at Kidzone. Studies have shown that baby sign language enhances language development and improves fine motor skills.
Kidzone infant rooms
Kidzone infant rooms provide a safe, warm and stimulating environment for your child's development. Specific places for sleeping, playing, diapering and feeding provide a sense of order and security in a cheerful atmosphere.
A World to Explore
As your baby begins to sit up and crawl, colorful surroundings and toys encourage exploration and learning. Kidzone infant rooms and equipment are specially designed to engage the senses and stimulate your child's physical and mental development.
We ask that families provide the following:
1. Pre-made Formula or Breast Milk for each feeding throughout the day. Please label with your child’s name and date.
2. Disposable diapers or cloth diapers and wet wipes for diaper changes.
3. Two complete weather appropriate changes of clothes.
4. Diaper rash cream, pacifer if needed
5. Any food (breakfast/Lunch/Snacks) that your child will eat each day needs to be brought in daily.
6. Outdoor wear- coats, jackets, mittens, shoes, and hats.
7. Family photo to put in family corner.